Independent or Dependent

Independent or Dependent which side are you ?
This question has been troubling me since long time now... what exactly is independence or is it "in - dependence" with something else... i dont know... they say man is social animal then how can a man be independent by himself.... for any synergy to work there has to dependence on something else or someone else.. when you are a baby till you "grow up"(again cannot be quantified) you are dependent pretty much on your parents .. just imagine a situation where you want your so called independence as soon as you are born and your parents give it you, you are not capable of doing anything you will DIE .. who will feed you who will protect you ... even when you grow up and are in your teenage or beyond that you are not independent you are dependent on a lot of things ... nature, your friends, your teachers, your boyfriends, your girlfriends, your spouses, your servants.... if all of them would have to be independent then this whole bloody damn world wouldnt exist..... This Society would just be a zilch with robots moving around...
Another way some people re-phrase it is "i need my space" what space they are talking about again they are not sure (you know its good to have all these words in your dictionary they sound in and hep ; ) )... accepting change in life is another big difficult thing... when people get into relationships they say they loose their "independence" which i think again is total bullshit because you get into a relationship, the reason being you can "depend" on your partner other wise there is no trust... imagine a relationship with both of them independent both the man and woman doing their own things with no dependence... is that a relationship ?? i agree that total dependence is unhealthy but why dont people accept that you are dependent why does the ME (I) come in between.....
Dependence can be on living things and non living things too... what if tommorrow your computer stops working or your cell phone goes kaput ... then are you independent ????
Another perspective is mergers and acquisitions its a business thing, their again their is a dependence on someone else .. you cannot survive being independent, you grow when you depend on something and you take all positive things out of it and you accept that you are dependent and respect that feeling.... then what is independence ??? i still dont know and i am still searching for it ....
Is independent being on your own , ok then i will have to cook my own food but then i have to depend on someone to grow those veggies or grains that i use right?? ok even then if i go forward and do it myself .. NOW am i independent ??? .. i still have to depend on nature for the rains to come and my crop to grow ... then when do i become independent ???? only god knows ....
i know some people will not like what i have written and they will disagree totally but thats healthy conflict .... i feel very strongly about this .. its a bit serious this one.. if i am missing something just let me know....
I chose this picture because imagine you are on this side of the picture and the world is on the other side and in between is the shield ... this side is total independence while the other side is dependence.... think ......
until next time astalavista ....
The issue here seems that you are looking at independence and dependence as two starkingly different things! It is not so ... shades of gray exist..remember? :-) When you seek independence, you do not seek an "absence" of dependence; rather, all you seek is some "space" ... which is nothing but a "room" where you can be for yourself! Accept it, any relationship does mean dependence and it also means that the "room" you have for yourself is now "shared". By being independent, you are just seeking more of that "room"!!!
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