Sunday, February 26, 2006

SURYA - The god of light

Surya - The god of light

Yesterday morning when i was taking a walk inside the campus i saw the suns rays piercing through the thick jungle inside IIT they almost said ..." nothing is above me i am the greatest and no one can stop me ....", this one is dedicated to the greatest source of energy .. The SUN.

The Sun possesses Seven horses (Seven rays)

Jaya : The first ray bestows firm conviction, mental and physical strength generosity domination of others and benevolence.

Ajaya : gives Compassion, tranquility and intelligence, inward understanding.

Vijaya : Voracious reading, high thinking and spiritual base.

Jita prana : Deep thinking, extremely kind, merciful.

Jita krama : grants high quality discipline, very knowledgeble and scientific evaluators.

Manojapa : Dedication and devotion, sincere and pursues the path of truth.

Jita krodha : In depth evaluation, artistic taste in fine arts and adoration of beauty, love for display.

Lord Surya has Seven rays :

“Susumna”: This is equivalent to the brightness of thousand rays. This ray with this name make Candra (Moon) the most beautiful one. The Nectar given by the fullmoon to all the panis bestows on them all happiness and pleasure.

“Surandana” : The moon has originated from this ray. Even the rays of are only the rays of Surya (Sun) alone.

“Udannvasu” : From this the Kuja graha (planet) is originated. This ray of Surya will protect the living being from the defects of blood, and gives them health, brilliance and wealth.

“Visva karma” : This constructs the Budhagraha (planet). This ray will remove the mental agitations of the people and grants all auspiciousness and peace.

“Udavasu” : This ray constructs Bruhaspati planet. This planet grants pleasures and liberation to all living beings. By worshipping this planet all hurdles, obstructions, opposition will be removed and success is achieved.

“Visva vyaca” : From this ray Sukra and Sani have originated. Among them sukra is responsible for Virya (sperm) Sukra is incharge of humans procreation and also his ray brings death. Hence by worshipping this ray one will get complete longevity.

“Harikesa” : Due to this ray, all Stars (Nakshatras) are born. These come to be known as Nashatra because they are protecting the human bodies from the loss of strength, virya, and teja.

Let there be light in everyone's lives. Until next time astalavista...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006



Just trying to see how different colors react with green .... and watch what they convey...

GrEeN - represents nature, environment, health, good luck, renewal, youth, vigor, spring, generosity, fertility, jealousy, inexperience, envy, misfortune.

YeLlOw - represents joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice, betrayal, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard, spirtuality and inspiration.

WhItE - is what we see when all colors come together in perfect balance.
It represents reverence, purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, birth, winter, snow, good, sterility, and marriage.

PuRpLe -
represents royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mystery, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance, mourning. Purple is considered an exotic color.

Purple dye was made from the mucous gland of a snail. It required thousands of snails to yield 1 gram of dye causing it to be a color only nobles could afford. Today purple is a trendy color targeting creative types.

Until next time astalavista.......

Saturday, February 18, 2006

a Rich God and a Ruined Fort

a Rich God & a Ruined Fort

recently i had the previlege to visit tirupati yet again but this time had some time on my hands to visit nearby places too... went to the "chandragiri" fort ... amazing place but unfortunately in ruins, it was shocking to see a god so affluent and the road to him was such a nice ride ... the road to this fort... difficult... there wasnt even a proper road... i think its high time that our govt understood that we need to treasure all these historic monuments otherwise someday there will be no History to look back upon ... IMAGINE

This is where i started my journey to the fort this is a small lake at the foothill ... a beautiful rock and the contrasting colors mother nature has .. mind blowing .. in search of the fort i went ....

This was the road ahead a difficult almost 45 degrees... but i could see some light behind the hill .. i went ahead....

The sun was going down fast and i had to atleast get a glimpse of the fort ...

and on the other side of the hill the sun was shining upon this fort which was totally ruined .. couldnt get there due to lack of time ... a beauty in its haydays now just a pile of rocks... i started my decline to visit the Rich God ....

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Going wild .. inside IIT

This one is inside IIT ... Its a jungle out there !!!! normally this place is dry but due to the heavy rains the water is STILL there and its really STILL...

This creature was a surprise !!!! It looked really scary .... anyone know whats this????

Another view of the extension of the famous lake ...

Next time will try and get some human interventions till then ... astalavista....