New Frontiers
Exploring new frontiers has always been the agenda of my life and I am right now exploring a lot of new frontiers in a true sense…. Don’t know what’s in store for me ;-) …. This time that frontier was geographic … and the place was PULICAT lagoon …It was more of an adventure trip than a leisure one … It all started on the Saturday night when seven of us decided when the clock struck midnight that we will visit Pulicat which had been pending for a long time now … and as a true marketer I believed that I had to sell this destination to the lazy buggers to get their bottoms up and rising at 5 am in the morning so I took the help of a banker friend of mine and went all the way to a browsing station in the wee hours of night.. and downloaded a travel guide to this place, came back and read it to these guys and showed them pictures.. Some agreed some didn’t and finally we all went to sleep….. 5 am in the morning me Guns and Du woke up and started moving others also… and we managed to leave … we just knew this place was 60 kms away from Chennai and was somewhere near Ponneri … we rode on our mean machines and then after a gruesome ride managed to reach at this place where there was nothing absolutely nothing no place to eat it was just a HUGE lagoon and some boats parked on the shore … we had given up saying that there will be nothing else to see there but then a fisherman came upto us and said that he would take us on his boat and show us around .. The Bird Sanctuary.. The Mouth of the lagoon and An island … and thank god we decided to go.. See it to believe it..
Enjoi the pics……….
New fronteirs.... The Starting Point....
Next Robinson Crusoe ?? Probably or Possibly :-)