Monday, August 06, 2007

Random !

This post is all about the snapshots of the conversations that I had over the weekend with my friends which made me think very deeply about some things…

In Focus / out of focus?

The picture personifies in some way my life when one thing suddenly goes out of focus and gets blurred, the other thing comes into focus in a flash….

Friday night…. In office… Bhai and me were talking about focus in life.. and I said that I would not want to get into a relationship for a long time now because the focus in my life has shifted … he said your focus in life was something else 6 months ago now it is different it might be different tomorrow … I argued saying it cannot be, but really when I went back home and thought … my focus in life can actually change, depending on what’s happening TODAY …. So what exactly is my focus in life now?? … it made me think ……

About me

This one is from a conversation that I had with a person who I know professionally and would be safe to say is becoming a friend of mine… The other day we were having a good long chat, not about work thankfully!!!! … We were just trying to guess each others sun signs and she could guess mine correctly and said she could do that because she thought I was a glib or smooth talker which is a mark of my sun sign …. Again…. I thought about what she said … did she mean I just talk non sense without any persuasiveness and purpose or I talk very well ??? I wonder what?
The etymology of GLIB is

1593, possibly shortening of obsolete glibbery "slippery," from Low Ger. glibberig "smooth, slippery," from M.L.G. glibberich, from glibber "jelly."
1.Performed with a natural, offhand ease: glib conversation.
2. Showing little thought, preparation, or concern: a glib response to a complex question.
Marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing that often suggests or stems from insincerity, superficiality, or deceitfulness.

I thought my sun sign was one where people had integrity and genuineness as their most common and possessed traits ….and I firmly believe I posses them… Which one of these am I??? .. Don’t I think too much … I know that…

Fear of the unknown??

“It’s the way I work and I don’t want to be sticking to a routine or be predictable in my way of thinking”, I said …. Me and Nals were having a conversation on our reading habits and were saying that lately we haven’t been able to catch up with our reading.. I myself am not a voracious reader, was never one.... I have this strange fear that if I don’t read (anything from magazines, comics, articles, text books etc) I get a feeling of emptiness and my thought process becomes linear and i can predict it myself i.e I myself am able to realize that I start reacting to things and make decision in a set pattern…. Which scares the shit out of me…. And then I also feel disconnected…. What he suggested was that I should make a list of the pending readings and then try and finish it because then I will have a target in front of me… will try doing that … consumption of words and ideas is necessary for me to have randomness and variety in my thinking is what I realized …..

Thoughts come and thoughts go .. A lot of them are still floating in my mind, prolly I will write another one once I am able to put them on paper …..