Hope n Faith / Strength n Honour
Hope and Faith – two things you can’t own.
Strength and Honour – two things which you can own
It’s funny why majority of people rely on the first than the second. Hope and faith are things that are so imaginary that you just imagine that somebody is keeping your faith and have a hope that some things happen. And believe me you can be as wrong as you can. But still people hope and have faith in lot of things. Take god for instance nobody has seen it nobody knows who it is but still they have faith in god. You hope that the person whom you love secretly will like you someday; you hope that you will become the richest guy in the world.
Strength and Honour – two things which you can own
It’s funny why majority of people rely on the first than the second. Hope and faith are things that are so imaginary that you just imagine that somebody is keeping your faith and have a hope that some things happen. And believe me you can be as wrong as you can. But still people hope and have faith in lot of things. Take god for instance nobody has seen it nobody knows who it is but still they have faith in god. You hope that the person whom you love secretly will like you someday; you hope that you will become the richest guy in the world.
Strength and honour are things that are seriously lacking in people today. Today you find people who don’t have the strength to stand up and say what they feel is right or have the honour for themselves or others. People find it difficult to honour other people’s feelings. Indians historically have been argumentative, even I am like that but sometimes I realise that I should stop arguing and listen and try things from somebody else’s perspective and it helps. Strength and Honour, I find in very few people that I have met till date.... and it is a clear indicator of successful people.
Inner strength is also an imaginary thing but at least it is under your control unlike hope and faith.
Imagine a situation. Two people who want to get married, and are not able to do so for more than one reasons what do you think will be useful in this situation “Hope & Faith” or “Strength & Honour”?? Or probably both, I don’t know. But what I feel is strength and honour are the one that will take you through, hope and faith are comforters that can give you a cushion for sometime but will not take you through. And it’s important that both people have them or else it ends up as a disaster at one end and a happy story at other.
I will leave this here let’s see if anyone can come up with some different take on this....
thoughtful post ... but why cant u own faith and hope. Remember that hope is the last thing anyone can hold on to ... 'n it can spur you to do wonders. Hope does not only mean imagining things - it means working to achieve what you hope to get.
As for faith in GOD - just think of it as a manifestation of your belief/ faith in yourself. Some people just need to have a physical form to their belief in themselves - and that is GOD!
I remember some old post of yours on dreams and pursuing them - this is quite the same with hope and faith - if you just imagine that your dreams will come true without any effort - you are mistaken!
Oops ... this has become a blog in itself! :-)
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