Confusion can be lethal sometimes but most of the times that I have seen…. both when I am confused and I see other people getting confused, they end up making the right choice… It is that state of mind when your grey cell activity is maximum so next time you are confused don’t panic let the feeling linger and enjoy it ….
According to me confusion can be of two types active and passive.. Active confusion is super fun because you are so confused you don’t know what’s happening, don’t know what to do and don’t want to do anything … But there is a flash at the end of it and BINGO!!! You have sorted out the confusion (Ex: Which car do I buy or which shirt do I buy)… Passive confusion is more of sedate one where in the back of the mind there is unanswered question or you don’t want to answer it … this confusion is always there in your mind (Ex: which girl do I marry?) dont worry i am not looking for one ...
You cannot live without it …. So be confused always … its good …